Purrfect the Persian

Though many Hollywood Animal Acting Cats come in teams, sometimes there is just a single “purrfect” cat. Purrfect is one of these single cats.

Purrfect became famous after appearing as CeeLo’s sidekick on “The Voice”. He is a more laid back cat, that does things at a ‘slower’ and more relaxed pace. There is no rushing a Persian cat. However, he is very experienced and loves to work!

purrfect pose e1596749591981
purrfect piano e1596749585353
purrfect jewelry e1596749598130
purrfect on cover e1596749571440
Purrfect conference room
Ce lo and Purrfect e1596749544257
purrfect fez rotated e1596749555745
purrfect haircut e1596749564698

Purrfect once got a fun new cut for summer!

purrfect on set rotated e1596749578502