Bitsie the Pomeranian

6 lbs, 9″ tall

Bitsie is just the sweetest and most gentle dog you will find. Always happy, she is sure to put a smile on everyone’s face. Bitsie loves to work, especially if it entails being held or playing with children!

Bitsie also loves to wear wardrobe. She even had a calendar made of her wearing 13 outfits, all made specifically for her.

And if you need her to look ferocious-she can do that, too!

bitsie full coat e1596499077438
bitsie shorter coat
Bitsie and Swoosie e1596499051754
bitsie rob riggle e1596499098265
bitsie on set e1596499091516
Bitsie Snarl e1597170438708

Sweet little Bitsie wearing a “snarling device”

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bitsie calendar e1596499064234
Bitsie shades e1596499115212

Fun fact about Pomeranians;

Tiny Pomeranians actually descend from ancient breeds that came from Arctic regions. Pomeranians are spitz dogs, related to breeds like Akitas, Huskies, Malamutes and Samoyeds.

Did you know that Queen Victoria, Michelangelo and Teddy Roosevelt (to name a few) had Pomeranians!